Marshall's Photography and Web Design

There's a New Marshall in Town!

Event Photos

Marshall’s Photography uses Photo Reflect to display and handle instant online photo sales and Tucson’s Jones Photo Lab to process and ship the prints.
If there is something in the background you would like removed let Terry know.

The photos that Marshall’s Photography uploads to PhotoReflect may not be adjusted to their best yet. When a order is placed Marshall’s Photography adjusts each photo i.e. brighten up shadows caused by hats, crop the image if needed and darken or lighten the image. If there are photos you would like to see at their best send Terry an e-mail with the event name, class and photo numbers. Marshall’s Photography will adjust them and replace the images online. If you had added these photos to your cart the adjusted images will replace the original photos. That way you don’t have to search for them again.

If there is any special editing you would like done to the photos feel free to contact Terry. This might be editing the image to remove unwanted background items, make a collage of several photos, putting the photo on a magazine cover and converting it to Black & White or Sepia.

Terry usually takes 1,000  photos per day. The photos Marshall’s Photography place in the store are the best of the shoots. Marshall’s Photography offers a DVD of one contestants photos for $100.00. This would include all of the contestant’s photos, the awards photos if available, flag ceremony photos and other photos depending on the event.

If your not happy with your photos contact Terry and he’ll do his best to make it right.

Main Link to all my online photos